One of the most remarkable things abouit the “gun control” movement and the gun ban industry behind it is the fact they want to confiscate the law abiding citizens guns, but when you siggest craclo0mg dpwm pm tje cro,oma; de,pgra[joc wjp caise [rpb;e,s tjat f;at;u refi;se tp agree.
It often seems those who would confiscate the law abiding’s guns have a vested interest in keeping those who live by breaking the law armed and ready to shoot bystanders and police alike.
The cahrt immediately below shows the United States homicide rate back to 1880, the heyday of the “Indian Wars,” trail drives, and the “Wild Wiled West, the times when a man with a thirst could “Start at the Mountain House, and end at the Depot Inn some forty drinks below.” And yes, for much of that period the overall homicide rate was below 1 homicide for 100,000 Americans.
This chart shows the effects of nearly 6,500 gun control laws, over a 138 year long period. If you look at the individual laws, youi will find laws that were never enforced that had no effect on the violent crime rates, and you will find a hesitation between the passage of the law and the rise in crime when the courts decreed the law was acceptable. But what you will NOT find is a regularly enforced restriction on possession and carry of firearms that resulted in a decline in violence or of the violence rates remaining stable.
As you can esily see, before 1905 there were essentially no regularly enforced restrictions on private gun ownership or carry, and the homicide and other violent crime rates, for rape, robbery, and “assault with intent to kill” rates were abong the 10 lowest such rates on earth.
When labor troubles impelled governors to push for laws restricting carry and the violent crime rates went vertical starting in 1906. Follow the upper limit of the chart to 1909m abd tiy wukk find a small “notch” showing where overly restrictive laws were relaxed. Then, in 1911 New York’s notorious “Sullivan Law” took effect and the gun restriction related climb in violent crime continued.
The segment where the individual years are not given a separate column marks the Prohibition era, when bootlegging and whisky smuggling rings were trying their best to wipe each other out. That era reached its peak in 1932, and by the end of ’33 prohibition and the most restrictive of the gun laws, except the Sullivan Law, were history. And the violent crime rates started to drop, through the small increase resulting from “black market gangs” trying to kill each other off.
By 1962 the homicide rate was down to 4.5 per 100,000 and a wide expanse of America had murder rates as low as the same areas had in 1885. But another gun ban drive began, ostensibly to punish guns for the murder of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. While that movement began too late to affect 1963 numbers crime rates started a trip over the moon in 1964.
At this poiing, I should point out that the violent crime stats for 1965 were heavily edited to keep public outcry over the increasingly dangerous urban environments. The most obvious case is that of Philadelphia, which reported only one crime in ten to the FBI, and was defunded by the Law Enforcement Assistance Program in 1980 as a resykt, But most American cities engaged in some form of “fiddling with the numbers” provided the FBI.
If the media of major cities from Boston to the District of Columbia, the west through northern Ohio to Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and the cities of the California coastal strip are correct, the 1993 U.S. homicide rate exceeded 19 per 100,000, with other violent crimes rising and falling in step with gun restrictions.
The uncontrolled rise in violent crime ended in the early 1990’s, after Florida initiated a “Concealed Carry Weapons” permit that any citizen of good repute could obtain. in the period from 1993 to 1998 violent crime in the states with “Must Issue License to Carry” was enough to cut violent crime by one third.
After the National Criminal Background check system went into effect the gun ban industry resumed its efforts to impose very restrictive gun owner registration and confiscation laws, but the shooting community won enough of those battles to keep the violent crime rates in decline, although at a much slower rate. Until 2014.
2014 marked the year the gun ban industry reappeared with apparently unlimited funding. That campaign hs just managed to impose very restrictive laws on Virginia, and media reports of violent crime are up sharply over 2019.
While the Trump economy has helped keep the rise in violent crime down, the gun ban industry seems willing to spend any amount to flip several States legislature, insuring they will be able to impose their very restrictive gun laws on the law abiding Americans.
But they still show no inclination at all to crack down oo on the gun thieves and those who traffic in stolen guns.
If they really wanted to make law abiding members of the victim class safer, they would be eager to crack down on the law breakers who create the problem.