NRA-Endorsed Candidates Sweep in Indiana

Gun Rights

Fairfax, Va. - All fifteen NRA-endorsed state Senate and House candidates won their primaries in Indiana on Tuesday and will be up for election in November.

“It’s encouraging to see that, when given the option, American voters continue to support lawmakers who promise to protect their right to keep and bear arms,” said NRA’s Indiana state Director John Weber.

Those advancing to the November state Senate ballot include Brian Buchanan from the 7th District, David Niezgodski from the 10th District, Susan Glick from the 13th Districts, and Justin Busch from the 16th District. 

In the state House race winners included Ed Soliday from District 4, Tony Cook from District 32, John Prescott from District 33, Bruce Borders form District 45, Dan Leonard from District 50, Sean Eberhart from District 57, Peggy Mayfield from District 60, Jeff Ellington from District 62, Steve Davisson from District 73, Cindy Ledbetter from District 75, and Matt Lehman from District 79. 

“On behalf of the more than five million members of the National Rifle Association, we congratulate each of our candidates on Tuesday night’s win and look forward to their victories in November,” Weber concluded.

The general election takes place on Nov. 3, 2020. ​​

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. More than five million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services. Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at NRA on Facebook and Twitter @NRA.

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