Alabama: Legislature Adjourns Sine Die

Gun Rights

On May 18th, the Alabama Legislature adjourned sine die from the 2020 session.  During this session, sheriffs attempted at every turn to derail NRA-supported Senate bill 47 and House Bill 39, bills to improve your right to self-defense by creating the option of a lifetime carry permit.  The Alabama Sheriff’s Association even attempted to push legislation to create a new central “repository” of all concealed carry permits without providing any benefit to citizens. 

Though the COVID-19 crisis stalled efforts to pass these important self-defense bills, it did highlight a glaring need for them.  As countless citizens around the country sought to exercise their Second Amendment rights by purchasing firearms, the spike in NICS background checks overwhelmed the system, creating significant delays.  Alabama’s carry permit was previously a bypass to NICS, allowing permittees to purchase firearms from dealers without this delay, but ATF pulled Alabama’s exemption last year after an investigation revealed that sheriffs were handing out permits to prohibited persons without conducting the required checks.  If you are a law-abiding citizen with a permit who had a background check delayed, you have every right to ask questions and demand answers. 

During a meeting on the lifetime permit bills this year, one sheriff actually said “we never wanted that anyway” when it was pointed out that the NRA-supported bills would provide the potential fix to the NICS background check bypass that was stripped from permit holders.  What this sheriff obviously meant was they never wanted law-abiding permittees to have the background check exemption in the first place.  Again, some sheriffs will not fight to defend your rights, but instead, they will scheme to destroy your freedom to protect their power, control, and money.  During this off season, it is imperative that you talk with your legislator and ensure they understand your expectations: SUPPORT the NRA backed lifetime permit bills which offer a pathway to get the NICS exemption back.  DO NOT allow the Sheriffs to institute their own plan and sidestep law abiding gun owners in Alabama again!

Your NRA will be back in 2021 to support bills that protect your right to self-defense.  Please stay tuned to and your email inbox.

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