Florida Alert! Liberals Angry to Discover Gun Control Laws Infringing Upon THEIR Rights

Gun Rights
DATE:        April 11, 2020
TO:       USF & NRA Members and Friends
FROM:   Marion P. Hammer
  USF Executive Director
  NRA Past President

An employee of a Florida Gun Shop called me last week to let us know that a very liberal customer was quite angry that he could not pick out a gun, pay for it and walk out of the store with it.  This is the story he shared in pretty much his own words: 

After filling out the 4473 Form, and showing his drivers license, the customer was annoyed that he had to go through a background check.  He angrily questioned, “Don’t you know who I am?”  (He is a City Commissioner) When I told him it didn’t matter, he said it was a waste of resources to do background checks on law-abiding people and said the law obviously “needed exceptions.” 

He got more angry that the background check took almost 20 minutes, and said, “there is no excuse for it to take this long.”  Once he cleared the background check and paid for the handgun, he about blew a gasket when he found out that he had to wait 3 days and come back before being allowed to take possession of the handgun and walk out with it.  

He DEMANDED to know “Why can’t I take it now? I need it now.” He was not happy to hear that it was the LAW.  He then explained, “I hate guns and I have supported gun control in the past but this is damned ridiculous. When you need a gun you should be able to get it.” 

He then stormed out of the gun shop. 

Today, this article came to my attention so I thought both the story and the article needed to be shared.

by Kira Davis
April 10, 2020

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friend’s father owns a gun range near me and she said he’s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know they’re liberals?

“They’re shocked to discover they can’t just walk out of the store with a gun.”

We’ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadn’t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country — as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media — is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friend’s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. It’s where I taught my son to shoot and where I’ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, he’s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasn’t done business like this since the days of Obama. 


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