Grassroots Networking In These Unique Times

Gun Rights

While much in the world has been suspended or stopped, our efforts to protect and defend the Second Amendment must go on.

While we all know the most effective methods of communicating with voters about an upcoming election involve person-to-person interaction, current circumstances make that near impossible.  Thus, we must adapt and adjust to make sure we are utilizing all the tools in our grassroots toolbox to make sure our fellow Second Amendment supporters are kept updated on the importance of the 2020 elections, as well as all issues pertaining to our firearm freedoms.  And as always, our efforts to engage voters is highly dependent on you!

Below are some of the ways that we are reaching out to remind everyone of the importance of the Second Amendment during these uncertain times.  If you are interested in assisting, contact us at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or, and we will put you in touch with your state’s Grassroots Coordinator so he/she may assist you.  Or, you may undertake many of these activities on your own with your own networks.

Making Phone Calls: Now that more of the population is choosing to spend time at home, we are reaching out to them over the phone. Our goal is to remind everyone that with all of the declarations of states of emergency, now is an important time to stay vigilant in defense of our Second Amendment Rights. Make sure you are also proactively calling your family, friends, and fellow firearms owners as well, reiterating this important news and keeping them informed.

Sending Text Messages: One method of reaching out to voters that is relatively new in our Grassroots arsenal is to send text messages. Using a number of different systems, we are able to give volunteers log in credentials and then assign a list of voters to communicate with. The best part about this type of peer-to-peer text messaging is that you can actually see who responds to your message, and if the voter has questions, you can answer them in real time!  As with phone calls, you too can simply create your own text groups and keep them posted with regular updates and calls to action.

Hosting Web Based Meetings: Another relatively new technology that your Grassroots Programs and Campaign Field Operations Division has used to expand our reach is our web-based meeting software. We have been able to hold virtual meetings in an effort to help educate and train new volunteers and campaign staff all across the country, and have taken steps to better utilize this software to stay connected during these uncertain times. As we host webinars open to our members and supporters, we will be sure to alert you and provide you with instructions on how to access these informative briefings.

If you would like to get involved in any of the efforts mentioned above, please contact us at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or, and we will put you in touch with your state’s Grassroots Coordinator so he/she may assist you. Phone calls and text messages can be done from anywhere into any of our election priority states, and we can use the web-based meetings to show you how step-by-step.

It’s more important than ever that we continue to think and work creatively and strategically to make sure we and our supporters are as engaged in our mutual efforts as possible.

Act smart and be safe!​​

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